As lock down measures have many of us working or studying from home, we cherish the opportunities we had to speak with children about OnePieceADay and how the decisions we make everyday impact the environment.
As we look back at some of the events we held in the past, it is important to help our children remember the importance of protecting our planet. They may now be learning from home, but they still hold the key to our future.
Forest Hill Public School

Tamara Conway in full action at Forest Hill Public School teaching the children about litter, plastic pollution and the small simple steps we can all take (like picking up one piece of litter a day!) to help protect our lakes and oceans. What a thrill to spend the morning with an incredible group of Eco-warriors ready to help clean the planet!
Lescon Public School

A great morning that started with an impressive Eco Board to welcome us, followed by an engagement with a small but mighty group of students full of questions and concerns about our planet.
Dr Marrion Hilliard Public School

Dr. Marion Hilliard Senior PS welcomed us with open arms and open minds. The school embraced our message about helping to clean up our planet and change our daily behaviour towards single-use plastics.
Ledbury Park Public School

A big shout out to Ledbury Park PS for committing to pick up 100,000 pieces of litter this year! What if your school or group could do this too? What would that do for your community? What would it do for you? Thank you Ledbury Park PS!
University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC)

A fantastic day spent with the TDSB EcoSchool Team and the incredible teachers who are so passionate about the environment. We were so excited about visiting these wonderful schools and help to bring awareness of the impact litter, and single-use plastics, has on our lakes and oceans!
Chief Dan George Public School

We had the absolute privilege to be the keynote speaker at Chief Dan George Public School’s Environmental Symposium. We can’t say enough about this school and the incredible Eco-warriors wanting to make a difference.
William G. Miller Junior Public School

It doesn’t matter what school we visit, we are always so truly impressed and incredibly inspired by each student we meet. They race over to us after each presentation and can’t wait to share all their stories about how they are making a difference. This group of Grade 3 girls set up a Schoolyard Litter Team right after our presentation, and now clean up the school every chance they get. They really are amazing!
John Buchan Senior Public School

Another great presentation from OnePieceADay at the John Buchan Senior Public School discussing the impact single-use plastics has on the planet. Loved the energy of both the teachers and students!
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

Thanks to the TDSB EcoSchools for inviting us to be a partner at the University of Toronto Eco Fair at OISE! We loved the passion, energy and intense discourse from everyone at the event! Photo with friends from WaterDocs / Ecologist!
Toronto French School

Our Founder, Dmytriy Pereklita, and his son, sharing the OnePieceADay Earth Day presentation at the Toronto French School. After the presentation, the school banned the use of plastic straws and are putting a plan in place to ban all single-use bottles, cups and utensils! Way to go TFS!
Denlow Public School

The team at OnePieceADay was excited to be invited to the Denlow School Community Clean Up! It was great to be outside with the kids helping to clean the planet!!