According to the Canadian government, Canadians use almost 15 billion plastic bags every year, and only use them for an average of 12 minutes.
Plastic bags don’t biodegrade, they photodegrade – breaking down into smaller and smaller toxic bits. A plastic bag can take between 400 to 1,000 years to break down in the environment. As it breaks down, plastic particles contaminate soil and waterways and enter the food web when animals accidentally ingest them. In the ocean, these particles eventually end up in massive whirlpool-like currents in the oceans called gyres.
Reusable produce bags, like these LOVELY ones from Credobags provides a long overdue eco-wise alternative to those tear-off-the-roll plastic film bags that grocery stores and farmers’ markets provide for bagging fruits and vegetables. Made with sustainable fabrics, these bags can be thrown into the compost at the end of their life!
P.S. You could WIN a bundle from Credobags at the end of this month!!!
Today’s Challenge:
BYO produce bag to the grocery store/market
Share a photo and tag @onepieceaday1, and use the hashtag #OPADPlasticFreeJuly to earn 1 ENTRY!
How can I win prizes?
Step 1: Follow @onepieceaday1
Step 2: Tag a friend! (optional)
Step 3: Share a photo (to your story OR your feed) of you completing each challenge for 1 ENTRY, tag @onepieceaday1, and use the hashtag #OPADPlasticFreeJuly.
Step 4: Log your refusal on the OnePieceADay app!
Each day is a new opportunity to increase your chances. Your total entries will be counted at the end of the month and be entered into a draw to win a zero-waste prize pack. Be sure to stick around for more chances to win!
Questions? Drop them below!
Tomorrow make a do-it-yourself compost bin liner
Video by wastemanagement
Composting helps prevent erosion. Composts are proven to reduce erosion on hills, near water, the side of the road, and even in playing fields.
In addition, it reduces pollution and toxins. Composting keeps landfills free from organic matter that result to the reduction of methane production.Composting prevents the spread of toxic matters in soils such as pesticides and fuels. This results to not just healthier soil but also healthier plants and water in the area (Source: 4 Waste Garden Bags Brisbane).
Stay tuned tomorrow for challenge details!
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